You can download Girlfriend Construction Set 6 in one .exe
file. Now you have a choice of downloading GCS from Google Drive or
from DropBox. To download from Google Drive, you need to have a gmail
account. Downloading from DropBox does not require any account or sign-in. Download and run the file
If you have any older versions of Girlfriend Construction Set
installed, we recommend that you install GCS 6 in the new default
folder and keep your existing versions. Then if you go on to register
GCS 6, you will have the option of importing any data that was saved in
your previous installations of Girlfriend Construction Set. Contact me
for tech support if you have any trouble locating previous GCS data on
your hard drive.
You can purchase a product registration for Girlfriend Construction Set 6 on the web, through BMT Micro, using a credit card. Register Girlfriend Construction Set 6 for the low price of only $19.95. Product registrations currently being sold through BMT Micro are only for Girlfriend Construction Set 6. Any registration keys purchased for previous versions of Girlfriend Construction Set will not work with GCS 6.
Before you purchase a product registration for Girlfriend Construction Set 6, please download the game and play it first, in unregistered free mode. Make sure the game runs well on your computer before you buy it.